Education and training
Together, Three Rivers DRH and MPHN are dedicated to supporting students on their rural mental health placements, and rural health professionals, through bringing together key education and training. Our comprehensive resource hub offers an array of tools and information tailored specifically for rural health students and health professionals.
Mental Health First Aid
Mental health first aid training is vital for your placement and for your ongoing career in any health profession.
Suicide Prevention Training
Suicide prevention training equips students and professionals with the skills and knowledge to effectively recognise and respond to individuals in crisis.
Listening to Voices
Listening to Voices is a project that uses performing arts and film to share the lived experience of the Listening to Voices crew.
Australian Indigenous Health InfoNet
Empowering you to deliver culturally safe care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians in rural mental health settings.
IAR-DST Training
The Initial Assessment and Referral (IAR) for Mental Healthcare Guidance and Decision Support Tool (DST).
Supporting yourself and others after traumatic events – CRANAplus
This course, developed by CRANAPlus, provides a practical strategies and real-life scenarios to health workers living and working in rural or remote health care environments. Cost transparency - $20 regular, $10 member.
Living Library – Way Ahead
Living Library, is an initiative by Wayahead and South Western Sydney Local Health District Mental Wellbeing Team, who have developed a range of videos to challenge stigma and normalise help-seeking behaviours.
BEING - Mental Health Consumers, BEING e-Learning Hub
Stigma and Discrimination Course: 1-1.5 Hours, Mental Health Advocacy: 1.5-2 Hours, 2 free courses created by BEING, the NSW peak organisation speaking with and for individuals with lived/living experience of mental health issues.
MHPOD Pathways Tool
If you are overwhelmed with all of the choices in mental health eLearning, start here to narrow down your learning needs.
MHPOD Learning Portal
The MHPOD Learning Portal is a great learning platform, with topics such as Mental Health Assessment and Mental Status Examination, legislation and mental health practice, mental health service system: the organisation, co-occurring alcohol and other drugs and mental health conditions, and effective working within the multidisciplinary mental health team.
Conversations about Gambling Courses
Funded by the Office of Responsible Gambling NSW, Mental Health First Aid is offering free Conversations about Gambling courses to residents and communities in New South Wales. Course participants learn how to provide initial support to someone who may be experiencing gambling harm or a gambling-related mental health crisis, until professional help is received or the crisis resolves.